Monday, 29 October 2007

Character Ideas and story Pt 1

Having looked through the various research, we all decided to stay away from the fur style monster and stick with a monster to whom we could apply a decent skin texture, which would look just as real.

I found an idea of gremlins from a comic book i had read "the darkness". In this comic, the gremlins are very mischevous and like killing people ... this was NOT the kind of personality we were looking at, but the gremlins were kinda cool, so we looked further into this.

Chérie and Mary scoured the internet for more pictured of gremlins, and after a week, we had alot of reference material to chose from. We thought about what we wanted our gremlins to be like. Seeing as our style is generally cute and sweet, we thought we would stick with that. We wanted to keep them small, otherwise they might start to look a bit scary, and we started to put sketches down for design ideas. This is something we are still working on, we will be sure to post some pictures soon!!

Now we had character ideas, we thought about locations and settings for our story (which was as yet undecided). We went around campus and took alot of pictures (gym, lecture theatres, computer labs, science labs, cafe). Our favourite place and the one we had had in mind was the library. It is a huge building spanning across four floors, there was so much we could do in there, so much that our gremlins could be doing. Also, it was central to campus, and a place that all students (as they are a big part of our audience) can relate to. When we walked in, we saw signs saying the library would be open late, and thought of it being full of students cramming for exams or just struggling to write essays..... this sounding like a good idea.

-The team

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